Interestingly, this has happened at least once before.
During 1975, and for a year or two afterwards, the JWs took much the same line. We started hearing a lot about "Christian love", supposed "Design Patterns in Creation" and similar - but nothing at all about such matters as "hours".(Previously to that the meetings and assemblies seemed to feature nothing but "hours" and "full time service").
This, however, did not last very long. In the congregation I was in (Newmarket, QLD, Australia), the return to a more usual "Heads Down, Bums Up" approach was heralded in 1977 by the assignment of a new CO to our circuit - the unforgettable "Cyclone Rex" Mainwaring.
As Sparrowdown has observed, they (the WTS/GB) will say / preach whatever they like, depending entirely on their - and only their - agenda. A return to the more usual JW equivalent of "Hellfire and Brimstone" methods could not necessarily be ruled out.